[en] Claudio Messora
isolateByoblu edited this page 4 years ago

Claudio Messora is the host of Byoblu video-blog, its founder and owner through the company “Byoblu Edizioni s.r.l.s.”. [0] He leads Byoblu satellite channels and the account for donations is in his name. Messora is the admin of Mastodon social.byoblu.com instance too.
Formerly a supporter of Berlusconi, Messora is one of the earliest agit-props of Movimento 5 Stelle, “post-ideological big tent” party and currently the largest individual party in the Italian Parliament. Albeit never been appointed to any political role by elections, Messora can boast several strategic nominees for the party. At the height of his career, he was head of communication for M5S Members of Italian Senate and for M5S Members of the European Parliament. [1] Messora then distanced himself from atlanticist and european-unionist positions of higher M5S echelons. [2]
Messora has found his place as opinion maker in the Italian Euroscepticist, anti-immigration, traditionalist, nationalist scene. The instance social.byoblu.com is an in-house experiment to spread these contents which are deemed not allowed in mass social networks.

[0] translators’ note: “simplified” LLC.
[1] His earnings were deemed by Messora himself less lucrative compared to its professional video-blogging.
[2] M5S supports von der Leyen’s (key figure in the NATO alliance) EU Commission presidency and Conte II Italian cabinet along with Democratic Party (staunch european-unionist).